Discover the Truth


The Road of Delusion

The myth-debunking book that will challenge your perceptions

The Road of Deusion- Book Trailer

Dive into the profound history & myths that shape our perspectives

Uncover the truths behind our process & origins

Cover of 'The Road of Delusion: Between Jewish Redemption and Palestinian Nakba' - A thought-provoking exploration of historical narratives and perspectives

The road of delusion


Jewish Redemption and Palestinian Nakba

+450 pages

+300 references

2024 Release by Issa F. Musleh


The Road of Delusion


2024 Release by Issa F. Musleh © The Road of Delusion ©

Explore the Intricacies

This comprehensive research dissects ingrained historical myths fundamentally shaping contrasting viewpoints on Palestine. Delve into the depths of diverging narratives and uncover the complexities that define The Road of Delusion.

Cover of 'The Road of Delusion: Between Jewish Redemption and Palestinian Nakba' - A thought-provoking exploration of historical narratives and perspectives

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